Homeland Security

We build effective Homeland security solutions through ASPIS, based on passive RFID tags and control assets in motion, over the Secure Remote Code Exchange protocol embedded in our Telematics components. Maono applies the concept of zoning or geofencing to your environment, introducing choke-points by strategic use and positioning of RFID readers, feeding back to the ASPISControl management console hosted in an operations center.
In any zoning approach, a prerequisite is therefore to tag all strategic assets and trace those you suspect to move out of the physical boundary of the 1st confinement zone : the armoury.

Operations Centres and Situation Rooms
The ability to remotely track, assess, and resolve issues with commands from a central location allows for the optimization of operations. Investing in operations center space design can help your organization maximize efficiency with minimal necessary infrastructure and better manage the efforts of your team.
One of the major benefits of deploying an effective Homeland Security solutions through ASPIS, is ASPISControl’s role in mitigating risk through real-time fault reporting and incident prevention. By monitoring information displayed on a data wall installation, operators in an operations center can receive alerts about any number of their organization’s sites, dispatch crews to react on issues that arise, and monitor unexpected activity such as illicit movement of arms. In a mission critical operation, every moment is important. ASPIS facilitates swift response and alerts on breaches in the chain-of-custody.
Perimeter Security
Connected military bases offer a long list of benefits. Probably the most apparent advantage is security. Leveraging RFID, screening is far more accurate and can be automated to reduce the burden on personnel. For example, sensors that track biomarkers provide greater accuracy in identifying soldiers entering a militarized zone.
- ASPIS Weapons Management System forms the cornerstone of any effective perimeter security solution where we identify strategic assets and people and control the actions they are allowed to carry out, such as taking specific weapons and control the rules of engagement, applied to specific predefined confinement zones in the system.
- Maono assists in building state-of-the-art armouries, using the ASPIS Management Console to control your weapons and personnel in motion, adding additional confinement zones such as;
- military bases ( or police stations),
- corridors (like toll booths, frontiers, …) or
- mobile check points or ad-hoc screening of personnel
- using mobile and outdoor RFID readers connecting over secure uplinks to the Operations Center.