Inventory Management

Accurate inventory management, while being agile and responsive to critical situations such as terrorist attacks or any criminal attempt to exploit changes in shifts, where weapons and ammunition change from one team on duty to another, is where our ASPISControl management console comes into play, with predefined templates of missions, people and allowed weapons and gear.

  • A typical armoury inventory could take as much as 7 hours, whereas the accuracy of any audit is at risk, when missions and tasks interfere with the audit process, often carried out even manually and therefore prone to human errors.
  • ASPISControl brings down the response time between request and response, from a central point of view, with delegated administration for managing ad-hoc situations that might occur in the field. Be it at a military base or a police station, We are in CONTROL.

Asset Tracking & Custom Software

Managing and locating important assets is a key challenge for almost any business. Time spent searching for critical equipment can lead to expensive delays or down time, missed deadlines and customer commitments, and wasted labor.

Companies have traditionally addressed this problem by managing assets using serial numbers and spreadsheets, or tracking equipment with barcode labels. However, both of these methods require a significant amount of manual labor. One way to quickly improve asset management is by utilizing radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to automatically track those assets.

An RFID asset tracking system uses electromagnetic fields to transmit data from an RFID tag to a reader. Whether you are talking about office equipment in a multi-story building, wheelchairs, timber logs or IV pumps in a large hospital, tools or equipment in a factory, or pumping equipment in far-flung oil fields, RFID can provide accurate, real-time tracking data for fixed and mobile assets.

Often our clients are looking into tracking ‘something’ they believe valuable within their organisation. Within such a context we more look into Asset Tracking, by use of RFID and a custom software development to translate the applicable business process in reporting. We don’t any longer speak about Common-off-the-Shelf (COTS) software, but custom software we develop, using Maono’s service cycle – identifying needs – and Tauri Solutions ASPISControl Rapid Development Kit, to adapt the software and align to the client’s business process.

To have a better understanding we invite you to consult the following Business Case and the ASPIS solution applied.

Business Case: Tracking Timber logs

MAONO* helps Governments to promote the application of good chain of custody (CoC) practice by integrating requirements for adequate wood flow controls in forest management regulations and compliance monitoring, suing ASPISControl to operate in the following business process :

  • automating reporting and
  • facilitating income tax to be received by government,
  • eliminating fraud and
  • tracking wood in the process.

The 8 stages of Forest Management

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On the ground the prospector conducts a survey which consists of identifying and marking with paint or machete the desired exploitable (authorised) species. Then he records the results in a survey report to be filed at the forest administration level.

2.Felling the Wood

The feller cuts down each tree marked by the prospector, respecting the standard of cutting 1.30m above the ground.

3.Marking the Tree

On the face and stump of the tree, the clerk puts in a legible way with iron and paint;

  • The ID of the branding iron of the operator;
  • The ID of the tree (position of the tree in the PEF Register)
  • Cartesian coordinates
  • The ID of the zone (forest register) in paint

4.Update the Forest Register

The information on the stump of the tree will be reported in the forest register.


The trees thus felled are skidded on the log park where they are prepared to be cut up.

6.Marking the Wood

The clerk inscribes on the two (02) ends of the logs all the information that appears on the stump of the tree. However, at the level of the identification number, a specific letter is added. Thus the letter A necessarily signifies the wood log’s foot; the letter Bdesignates the log following immediately higher; the letter C the next log.

7. Loading the Log Trucks

Following the loading of the logs on the log truck, the freight bill must be duly filled by the clerk. All information previously attached to the logs with paint and iron are to be written on the freight bill.

8.Transfer to Plant

Log loading must be accompanied by documents issued by the forest administration and is subject to forest control

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